A near-epic adventure told with humor and flare, this is the story of a couple that dropped everything and moved to Costa Rica out of the blue. Their plan was this: fly in to San Jose, rent a 4 wheeler, and drive to Jaco, where presumably they would find housing and jobs. It seems like a risky plan, but the narrator and her husband made it happen, and they made it happen fast!
Soon enough, they were trying their first, mind-blowingly declicious gallo pinto breakfast, taking walks along the Jaco beach shoreline, and renting a house. After taking a moment to get settled, they embark on several exciting journeys across Costa Rica.
From Arenal to Tamarindo to Montezuma, the couple describes the loveliness and culture inherent to Costa Rica. Finally back in Jaco, our narrator and her husband begin to acclimate themselves to Costa Rican culture.
From low season to high season, from the double cafe latte rush of American life to the laid back “pura vida” of Costa Rica, our narrator offers both stories and advice.